Poudre School District values your feedback on your experiences as an employee.  Please take a few minutes to complete the following Climate & Culture Survey. The information provided from this survey will be helpful to PSD's continued efforts to remain a desirable employer. The survey is strictly anonymous and responses are kept confidential, so please be candid and elaborate when possible. Thank you for your participation. 

NOTE: This survey is to be completed by Classified staff only. Licensed staff are encouraged to submit feedback through the TLCC survey. For questions, please contact hr@psdschools.org.

Question Title

* 1. Considering everything, please rate the following statements regarding your OVERALL EXPERIENCE:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I am satisfied working at my school/department
I am committed to seeing my school/department succeed
I plan to be with my school/department two years from now
I would recommend my school/department to a friend seeking employment
I would recommend my school/department to family members seeking a school for their children
My school/department is well regarded in the community
Overall, my school/department does a good job of meeting my needs
I am satisfied with the professional development opportunities that are available to me
I have the resources needed to be successful in my job
12% of survey complete.