Feedback on current accessibility within St.Amant

St.Amant is developing an accessibility plan so that all people can fully participate in our community. What would make St.Amant more accessible to you or someone you know? What are your suggestions?

 Please complete this survey if you:
·       Receive services from St.Amant

·       Are a family member or a support to someone who receives services

·       Work or volunteer at St.Amant

·       Are a donor, sponsor, funder, community partner or friend


 Thank you!

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* 1. Have you or someone you know seen a St.Amant staff or volunteer show a negative attitude toward a person with a disability?

For example: a staff person ignores the person getting service at St.Amant and speaks only to a family member. The staff person does that because they think the individual cannot participate in the conversation.

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* 2. Does St.Amant communicate in a way that is accessible and understandable to you and the people you know? Please think of your experience with application forms, reports, and letters.

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* 3. Have you or someone you know ever had trouble with a service or information at St.Amant because of technology?  An example of a technological barrier is trouble using a website with screen reading software for a person with a visual impairment.

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* 4. Have you or someone you know ever experienced a barrier because of a standard procedure or rule at St.Amant? For example, requiring a signature on a form from a person who cannot write by hand.

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* 5. At St.Amant, have you or someone you know had difficulty or been unable to access a building or a space because of physical barriers? For example: Narrow hallways or doors, poor lighting.

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* 6. Do you have any specific suggestions to improve St.Amant's accessibility?

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* 7. Are you a

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* 8. We will be hosting focus groups to gather further information. Are you interested in participating?