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* 1. My child is in grade: Check all that apply.

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* 2. How often do you buy lunch in the cafeteria?

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* 3. If you do not buy lunch, what is the main reason?

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* 4. Do you feel it is easy to order lunch for your child?

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* 5. Are you ordering more often / less often than last year?

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* 6. Do you find it easy to order a “last minute” lunch via email?

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* 7. How often do you buy snacks in the cafeteria?

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* 8. How does your child usually buy snacks /Drinks?

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* 9. Does your child ever buy Breakfast on Thursdays?

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* 10. Do you feel the cafeteria pricing is a good value for the money?

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* 11. Besides pizza, what is your child's favorite cafeteria meal?

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* 12. What should we remove from the lunch menu?

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* 13. Please tell us if you feel the statements below are always true, sometimes true, rarely true or never true, in regard to the cafeteria

  Always True Sometimes True Rarely True Never True We don't buy lunch
The food tastes good in the cafeteria
Popular foods are served on the menu
The appearance of the food in the cafeteria is appetizing
The variety of food items served on the menu is satisfactory
The lunch staff is friendly and helpful

Question Title

* 14. Please provide feedback on how we could make our cafeteria better.