The PRIDE Learning Collaborative will convene a Strategies Exchange on Saturday, April 28, 2018, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm in conjunction with the CWLA 2018 National Conference to be held in Washington, DC. The theme for the Strategies Exchange is consistent with the overall conference theme, Building Resilience in Changing Times. The focus is on strategies that have proven to be successful in achieving the five competence categories of the PRIDE Model of Practice: protecting and nurturing children; meeting developmental needs and addressing delays; supporting children’s relationships with birth families; connecting children to safe and nurturing relationships intended to last a lifetime; and working as a member of a professional team.

Representatives from PRIDE licensed agencies are cordially invited to submit proposals to share successful strategies for implementing the PRIDE Model of Practice. Presentations will be 30 minutes in length. Proposals should include achievements and challenges in the following areas:

Implementing one or more of the 14 steps of the PRIDE Model of Practice. The steps include: aligning resource parent role descriptions with agency vision and mission; conducting community resource family needs assessments; developing and implementing agency resource family recruitment programs; responding to inquiries; conducting at-home consultations; integrating preservice training and family assessment; matching resource families with children in care; implementing the family development plan; teeming with resource parents to achieve safety, well-being, and permanence for children; supporting resource parents; providing in-service training for resource families; ending agency relationships with resource parents.

Building child welfare worker/resource parent training teams.

Securing agency leadership support for implementing the PRIDE Model of Practice.