
Please note that Highlands University Strategic Planning Committee has selected five strategic goals based on extensive feedback from faculty, staff, students, and community members:

Goal 1: Teach and mentor students to integrate a broad range of academic skills, a breadth and depth of curricular knowledge, and an interdisciplinary understanding.

Goal 2: Inspire students to action through environments that foster scholarship and produce graduates equipped to address regional and global issues.

Goal 3: Engage with and serve our communities for mutually beneficial exchanges of knowledge, services and resources.  

Goal 4: Advance excellence in diversity, equity and inclusion policies and practices. 

Goal 5:  Be a comprehensive educational provider for all students including traditional, non-traditional, online, distance, community, and lifelong learners. 

We are now proposing 7-10 objectives under each goal to eventually provide more detail to the strategic plan. 

Qualitative questions
The committee has identified several potential areas to develop objectives under the 5 strategic goals. As you progress through the survey, please provide any comments and critique regarding the choices of objective, as well as any objectives you feel should be included.  There will a comment box at the end of each goal section.

Please rate the quality of statements based on the scaled options below for consideration as Strategic Objectives under the related Strategic Goal for New Mexico Highlands University.

0 Very Poor          1 Poor          2 Acceptable          3 Good        4 Very Good