
Connected/Cooperative Automated Vehicles (CAV) present a number of potential challenges and opportunities to emergency response and public safety. There is a need to work with public safety agencies to identify potential response risks and opportunities of automation.

The Transportation Safety Advancement Group (TSAG) is identifying response issues associated with CAV and the potential impacts on public safety emergency responders. We will summarize these issues, review current research being conducted in this area, including work being done by USDOT, NHSTA, and NCHRP, and identify gaps in the current research and future research needs in a whitepaper for use by TSAG Communities of Interest.

Thank you for participating!

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* 1. What TSAG Community of Interest do you represent?

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* 2. How familiar are you with CAV technology?

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* 3. How confident are you that CAV manufacturers are considering potential impacts on public safety response?

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* 4. What are your biggest response concerns with CAV technology?

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* 5. What benefits to public safety do you anticipate from CAV technology?

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* 6. What changes do you anticipate in your agencies to meet the demands of CAV?

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* 7. What information or additional research do you need to support response to CAV?

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* 8. What publications or resources should we include in the literature review for this project?

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* 9. Please provide your name and contact information.