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* 1. In terms of my core competencies, measured against the future HRM/L&D competency requirements, my knowledge base, skills set and mindset are strategically relevant.

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* 2. My professional HRM/L&D status and -brand equity is typified by a high degree of differentiation, therefore I'm compensated at a premium rate (top dollar).

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* 3. I diligently offer a distinctive, HRM/L&D Unique Value Proposition (UVP) to current and prospective employers and clients.

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* 4. I've deliberately positioned myself as a HRM/L&D specialist, so that I can offer a high degree of credible subject matter expertise and strategic performance advice.

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* 5. I constantly demonstrate a high degree of resilience, flexibility and stealth-like agility, especially during turbulent times of change in the workplace.

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* 6. Given the dynamically changing work environment, I'm able to rigorously reinvent and transform my HRM/L&D professional/career status to sustain upward employment mobility.

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* 7. I've deliberately positioned myself as a HRM/L&D solutions architect, so that I can relentlessly strive to add and amplify significant business value for my current and prospective employers and clients.

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* 8. I'm a next dimension, "outside-of-the-box" systems thinker, who innovatively redesigns my thinking (and HRM/L&D operating model) to take calculated risks, by exploring uncharted frontiers and generating breakthrough ideas.

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* 9. I'm a responsible and responsive digital citizen, who has mastered the ability to navigate, curate, analyze and communicate HRM/L&D messages via digital media sources across an array of sophisticated technological platforms.

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* 10. I'm a hyperconnected collaborator, with the analytical ability to penetrate, mine and harvest the business relationship potential and exploit mutually-beneficial collaboration opportunities within the scope of my business network and HRM/L&D community.