Exit Purchase Application WITW Questionnaire Question Title * 1. Do you live in an apartment or house? Question Title * 2. If apartment do you plan to take regular walks (no less than 3 a day) if not why? Question Title * 3. Do you rent or own your property? If rent please provide your landlords phone # or email! Question Title * 4. Have you owned a Siberian husky before? Please explain Question Title * 5. Do you currently have any pets? If so explain Question Title * 6. How will your Siberian husky be kept while at work/away? Question Title * 7. If you plan to breed at what age will you do so? Health testing? If this doesnt apply to you please put N/A Question Title * 8. Siberian huskies require intensive regular grooming how do you plan to keep up with this? Groomer, in home etc. If groomer provide us with the information on who you plan to use or already use. Question Title * 9. Vet you plan to use plus 3 personal references below! Phone number & name Question Title * 10. Do you plan to feed dry, raw, or both? Please put below what you plan to feed brand if applicable. Done