Please evaluate our sessions and speakers!

Endocrinology & COVID-19 • Jeffrey S. Freeman, DO • 8:00-8:30 am

Question Title

* Evaluation: Endocrinology & COVID-19 • Jeffrey S. Freeman, DO • 8:00-8:30 am

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
The topic is relevant to my practice.
The speaker demonstrated experiential knowledge of the topic.
The content provided a fair and balanced coverage of the topic and was free of commerical bias.

Question Title

* FREEMAN- In which of the following practice gaps (the difference between what is currently being done in practice to ideal practice) do you anticipate addressing with the materials presented in this lecture?

Question Title

* FREEMAN - What aspects of this lecture will you implement/change within your practice upon return from the seminar?

Question Title

* FREEMAN - Other comments/suggestions:

Evaluation of Agents for Treatment of Diabetes • Marc A. Vengrove, DO • 8:30-9:15 am 

Question Title

* Evaluation: Evaluation of Agents for Treatment of Diabetes • Marc A. Vengrove, DO • 8:30-9:15 am

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
The topic is relevant to my practice.
The speaker demonstrated experiential knowledge of the topic.
The content provided a fair and balanced coverage of the topic and was free of commerical bias.

Question Title

* VENGROVE- In which of the following practice gaps (the difference between what is currently being done in practice to ideal practice) do you anticipate addressing with the materials presented in this lecture?

Question Title

* VENGROVE- What aspects of this lecture will you implement/change within your practice upon return from the seminar?

Question Title

* VENGROVE - Other comments/suggestions:

New Approaches for the Treatment of Osteoporosis • Barry J. Jacobson, MD • 9:15 -10:00 am

Question Title

* Evaluation: New Approaches for the Treatment of Osteoporosis • Barry J. Jacobson, MD • 9:15 -10:00 am

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
The topic is relevant to my practice.
The speaker demonstrated experiential knowledge of the topic.
The content provided a fair and balanced coverage of the topic and was free of commerical bias.

Question Title

* JACOBSON - In which of the following practice gaps (the difference between what is currently being done in practice to ideal practice) do you anticipate addressing with the materials presented in this lecture?

Question Title

* JACOBSON - What aspects of this lecture will you implement/change within your practice upon return from the seminar?

Question Title

* JACOBSON - Other comments/suggestions:

Osteopathic Comment in Endocrinology • Jennifer A. Lorine, DO • 10:15 -10:30 am

Question Title

* Evaluation: Osteopathic Comment in Endocrinology • Jennifer A. Lorine, DO • 10:15 -10:30 am

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
The topic is relevant to my practice.
The speaker demonstrated experiential knowledge of the topic.
The content provided a fair and balanced coverage of the topic and was free of commerical bias.

Question Title

* LORINE - In which of the following practice gaps (the difference between what is currently being done in practice to ideal practice) do you anticipate addressing with the materials presented in this lecture?

Question Title

* LORINE - What aspects of this lecture will you implement/change within your practice upon return from the seminar?

Question Title

* LORINE - Other comments/suggestions:

Approaches to Thyroid Nodules: Who has Thyroid Cancer? • Gregory J. Barone, DO • 10:30 - 11:15 am

Question Title

* Evaluation:  Approaches to Thyroid Nodules: Who has Thyroid Cancer? • Gregory J. Barone, DO • 10:30 - 11:15 am

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
The topic is relevant to my practice.
The speaker demonstrated experiential knowledge of the topic.
The content provided a fair and balanced coverage of the topic and was free of commerical bias.

Question Title

* BARONE - In which of the following practice gaps (the difference between what is currently being done in practice to ideal practice) do you anticipate addressing with the materials presented in this lecture?

Question Title

* BARONE - What aspects of this lecture will you implement/change within your practice upon return from the seminar?

Question Title

* BARONE - Other comments/suggestions:

Tests in Endocrinology You Wished You Never Ordered • Jack L. Snitzer, DO • 11:15 - 12:15pm

Question Title

* Evaluation:  Tests in Endocrinology You Wished You Never Ordered • Jack L. Snitzer, DO • 11:15 - 12:15 pm

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
The topic is relevant to my practice.
The speaker demonstrated experiential knowledge of the topic.
The content provided a fair and balanced coverage of the topic and was free of commerical bias.

Question Title

* SNITZER - In which of the following practice gaps (the difference between what is currently being done in practice to ideal practice) do you anticipate addressing with the materials presented in this lecture?

Question Title

* SNITZER - What aspects of this lecture will you implement/change within your practice upon return from the seminar?

Question Title

* SNITZER - Other comments/suggestions:

Session Recap • Jeffrey S. Freeman, DO • 12:15 - 12:30 pm

Question Title

* Evaluation: Session Recap • Jeffrey S. Freeman, DO • 12:15 - 12:30 pm

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
The topic is relevant to my practice.
The speaker demonstrated experiential knowledge of the topic.
The content provided a fair and balanced coverage of the topic and was free of commerical bias.

Question Title

* FREEMAN2- In which of the following practice gaps (the difference between what is currently being done in practice to ideal practice) do you anticipate addressing with the materials presented in this lecture?

Question Title

* FREEMAN2 - What aspects of this lecture will you implement/change within your practice upon return from the seminar?

Question Title

* FREEMAN2- Other comments/suggestions:

Question Title

* Optional