PROGRAM EVALUATION FORM - POMA 111th Clinical Assembly

Instructions: Please evaluate the 2019 Clinical Assembly. The feedback will help the committee plan for future programs.

Question Title

* 1. Educational Evaulation

  Excellent Good Average N/A
Conference materials were easy to use
Topics were relevant
Speakers were insightful and interesting
Content was free of commercial bias
Stated objectives/educational needs were achieved
Teaching methods were effective
My educational needs were satisfied
My quality of patient care will be improved

Question Title

* 2. List three changes you will implement in your practice upon your return as a result of attending:

Question Title

* 3. What barriers to change do you anticipate? 

Question Title

* 4. What strategies will you apply to overcome the barriers? 

Question Title

* 5. Which topics provided the most value?

Question Title

* 6. Which topics provided the least value?

Question Title

* 7. CME suggestions for the POMA's 112th Annual Clinical Assembly in 2020

Question Title

* 8. Event Evaluation

  Excellent Good  Average N/A
Conference facility & location
Overnight accomodations
Seminar dates
Lecture times
Social & networking opportunities
Product theater luncheons
President's reception & state banquet
The mobile app was informative, easy to use, and beneficial
Pharmaceutical/ technical/scientific exhibits
Organization of Clinical Assembly
Overall, POMA's Clinical Assembly is a good value in relation to time & expense
Rate the 111th Annual Clinical Assembly overall

Question Title

* 9. How can we improve the Clinical Assembly?

Question Title

* 10. I am a:

Question Title

* 11. Are you board certified?

Question Title

* 12. If yes, are you:

Question Title

* 13. Optional

Thank you for your feedback. Comments are valuable in our efforts to continually improve our CME programs.