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To have a more engaging discussion at the Excipients Open Forum, we would like your candid feedback. Individual responses will be kept confidential. Your help is much appreciated!  Survey responses are due by January 31, 2021.

USP publishes proposals for public comment in Pharmacopoeial Forum (PF), including in-process revisions, stimuli articles, and Proposed  Interim Revision Announcements. In addition, Accelerated Revisions are posted on the USP website. USP also uses the website to post Compendial Notices on policy proposals, designed to inform stakeholders of the changing status of USP–NF monographs and general chapters and other USP–NF standards-setting initiatives. Compendial Notices include General Announcements, General Chapter Prospectus, Notices of Intent to Revise (including Notices pertaining to Pending Monograph Program), Reference changes, and Publications Announcements.  Accelerated revisions include Errata, Revision Bulletins, and Interim Revision Announcements. 

Question Title

* 1. In your opinion, what are the most useful current USP comment vehicles (listed below) to provide input on USP proposals?

Question Title

* 2. Do you use the PF comments feature to provide your comments?

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