
Natural Nail Polish – Toxic Substances In Products

Natural Nail Polish – We’re not going to go there in 4 ways, but what helps most of our nail polishes to be so perfect are the solvent-type chemicals, also used in classic paints, which give this smooth appearance and make them so easy to apply a few gestures and brush strokes. But, of course, it wasn’t always like that. Varnish has been around in China since about 3000 BC. Under the Ming dynasty, nail polish was then made with natural ingredients:
Egg whites,
Vegetable dyes
Gum arabic.
Modern-day nail polish is quite different! Raise your hand if you’ve ever tried to remove semi-permanent gel polish. Only to find that you’re also removing some of the keratin from your nail. Have you ever pulled your nail polish to see that your nails now look yellow? Yes, manicuring can wreak havoc on your nails, and even more so because of the harmful chemicals that are the basis of most nail polish formulas.
Toxic Substances Found In Nail Polish
What do you need to be careful of on a “chemical” level? There is the “toxic trio” consisting of:
Formaldehyde: used as a nail hardener and known carcinogen,
dibutyl phthalate (DBP): a plasticizer that prevents the varnish from becoming brittle and which would be an endocrine disruptor,
and toluene: which will help give your manicure a smooth finish but can cause headaches and dizziness. inallure