2024 APA Scientific Conference

50% of survey complete.
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Question Title

* The session met the stated learning objectives:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree or disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree
Compile a database of the existing literature implementing music-based intervention in forensic hospitals or correctional facilities.
Investigate the effects music therapy has on participants.
Discuss whether music therapy should be endorsed for psychosocial rehabilitation in forensic populations.

Question Title

* Please rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5
(1 - strongly disagree and 5 - strongly agree):

  Strongly disagree Disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree or disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree
The session was educationally relevant.
The presenter was educationally effective.
The session provided interactive opportunities.
The session provided opportunities to identify and/or reflect on what was learned and its potential impact on my practice

Question Title

* Please rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5
(1 - strongly disagree and 5 - strongly agree):

  Strongly disagree Disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree or disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree
The session and presenter did NOT have commercial or other inappropriate bias.

Question Title

* Please provide any other comments you would like to share: