1. Default Section

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* 1. Name (optional)

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* 2. Sex

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* 3. Age

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* 4. County (Please select the county that you live in)

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* 5. Profession (check as many as apply)

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* 6. How did you learn about MCRC?

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* 7. How often do you check MCRC's website/blog?

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* 8. What features would make you return to the website more often? Pick your top three choices

Action alerts on consumer issues
Advocacy updates on consumer legislation/what legislators are doing
Blogs by consumer experts and others
Consumer Coalition member updates
Consumer news/events/media
Opportunities to meet other members
Policy reports on consumer issues
Upcoming events

Question Title

* 9. What are the top three legislative issues that you believe MCRC should work on in 2010?

Arbitration-limitation or regulation of arbitration
Auto sales disclosures
Bankruptcy exemptions
Consumer Protection Act penalties
Credit Card protections
Debt settlement/debt management
Deficiency judgements/small claims court issues
Food safety (food disclosure)
Foreclosure protection/tenant issues
Garnishment protection
Government procurement
Mortgage broker regulation
Tax preparation licensing/enforcement
Toy safety
Uniform power of attorney

Question Title

* 10. How would you like to see MCRC engage on these issues? Check as many as apply and rank in priority.

Advocate in Annapolis on the issue
Alert MCRC members of when to contact their delegates on an issue
Coordinate the consumer coalition's efforts
Educate consumers about the issue through speaking events, workshops
Generate media (op-eds, television interviews, newspaper articles, other) on the issue
Publish a report on the issue
Publish a report card on how legislators vote on consumer issues

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* 11. Have you been to an MCRC event in the past year?

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* 12. If you answered "yes" to question 11, please check the events that you attended last year.

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* 13. If you answered "no" to question 11, please tell us why you didn't attend an event.

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* 14. What type of events would you be interested in attending?

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* 15. Tell us anything else you want us to know about how MCRC can best serve you.