Maryland Nonprofits 25th Anniversary Year

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* 1. Maryland Nonprofits 25th Anniversary Year
Choose your sponsorship level

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* 2. Maryland Nonprofits and MARFY Joint Annual Conference, October 3-4, 2017, Baltimore Convention Center
Choose Your Sponsorship and Exhibitor Level

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* 3. Annual Conference Exhibitor Opportunities 
Choose Your Exhibitor Level 

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* 4. Annual Conference Exhibitor Upgrades
Choose Your Sponsorship Level

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* 5. Tech to Tell Your Story, March 21, 2017 - Marriottsville, MD (Howard County) 
Choose Your Sponsorship and Exhibitor Level 

Question Title

* 6. 2018 Legislative Preview, January 8, 2018 - Annapolis, MD  

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* 7. 2017 Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant Program Sponsor ($2,500) 
October 25-27, 2017 - Baltimore, MD 

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* 8. Contact Information 
Please enter information as you would like it to be displayed in promotional materials.

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* 9. Please provide a 200-description of your company for display on promotional materials. 

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* 10. Organization Type
Choose one

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* 11. Billing contact, if different than above (please include name and email address) and any other special instructions. 

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* 12. Please indicate your current Maryland Nonprofits Membership Status (if you are unsure or want to upgrade, contact Darryus Johnson; tel: 443-438-2344.)

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* 13. I understand and agree to the following: 
DATE/LOCATION: 25th Anniversary Luncheon Exhibit Hall and Sponsorship Opportunities are on June 8, 2017 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront in Baltimore, MD. Annual Conference Exhibit Hall and Sponsorship Opportunities are on October 3 or 4, 2017, at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore City, Maryland. Tech to Tell Your Story Exhibit Hall and Sponsorship Opportunities are on March 17, 2017 in Marriottsville, MD (Howard County). 2018 Legislative Preview Exhibit Hall and Sponsorship Opportunities are on January 8, 2018 in Annapolis, MD. Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant Program Exhibit Hall and Sponsorship Opportunities are on October 25, 26 & 27, 2017 in Baltimore, MD.

PAYMENT: Exhibiting and sponsorships are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment in full is due 30 days from submission of completed Exhibitor/Sponsor registration form, unless additional terms are negotiated with Maryland Nonprofits. Benefits such as website listing will start once payment is received. Exhibit and sponsorship fees are non-refundable.

EXHIBITING INFORMATION: Exhibit space entails one 6’ x 2’ skirted table. Access to electricity may require a small fee. Internet will be provided as available. Maryland Nonprofits reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to designate exhibit space or make changes in the location, size, layout, arrangement, and display limits of the exhibits. Placement of Exhibitor/Sponsor is contingent upon level of sponsorship and in the order in which payment in full is received. Although not guaranteed, we do our best not to place competitors directly next to or adjacent to each other in the limited space available. The Exhibitor/Sponsor understands exhibit set-up times are not negotiable. Annual Conference Exhibitor/Sponsors may arrive at the Baltimore Convention Center as early as 7:00 a.m. and must be set by 8:00 a.m. Failure to set up by 8:00 am may result in a less desirable exhibit space without consideration towards refund of paid fees. Breakdown of exhibit tables may not begin prior to 4:15 p.m. and must be completed by 7:00 p.m. Exhibitor/Sponsor setup and breakdown instructions for other events and locations will be provided separately. Exhibitors and sponsors who attend will be provided complimentary food and beverage.

RECEIPT OF BENEFITS: All information requested of the Exhibitor/Sponsor by Maryland Nonprofits to fulfill benefits must be received 30 days prior to event. Sponsors will receive instructions for submitting this information upon receipt of sponsorship form and payment. Information submitted to Maryland Nonprofits will be considered complete and final. Maryland Nonprofits is not responsible for typographical, grammatical, or other errors in information submitted by the Exhibitor/Sponsor.

FORCE MAJEURE: Maryland Nonprofits shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage, or delay due to occurrence of any circumstances beyond the control of Maryland Nonprofits—such as acts of God, war, government regulations, disaster, strikes, civil disorder, or curtailment of transportation facilities— to the extent that such circumstances makes it illegal or impossible to provide or use the venue’s facilities.