April-September 2024

Learning Community Summary: This six-month learning community will explore care coordination – often considered the “lynchpin” of the CCBHC model – to improve understanding and application of best practices in successful implementation of CCBHC care coordination criteria requirements. Through monthly learning sessions in April-September 2024, participants will learn about approaches to coordinating care with various partners and populations, share challenges, opportunities and ideas through a peer-to-peer engagement, and practice action-planning and decision-making. Core topics include: care coordination implementation strategies, partnerships with primary care, hospitals, and justice systems, and veteran care services.
Target Audience: The target audience for this learning community is established CCBHC Expansion grantees, including PDI and IA grantees. The focus of this community will extend beyond basic care coordination and partnership requirements into optimizing care coordination resulting in innovative practices and improved health outcomes.
Event Schedule: Participants are expected to attend all events or send a team member in their place. This learning community runs for 6 months, from April through September 2024. Clinics are welcome to send the representative of their choice (either administrator or clinician or both). There is no cap on the limit of team members joining each session from your organization, but at least one person from each organization is requested to attend each session.

Disclaimer: The demographic information collected for registration is optional to provide and will be used to measure and report aggregate analysis on the racial, ethnic, and gender composition of the TTA Center’s audience to inform understanding of the diversity of participation and improve the reach of our events. This demographic information be held in strict confidence and will not be shared with any third parties and will not be used at an individual level. 

Question Title

* 1. First Name: 

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* 2. Last Name:

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* 3. Email Address:

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* 4. City:

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* 5. Zip/Postal:

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* 6. State

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* 9. Clinic Name (if different from organization name)

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* 10. Geographic location(s) your clinic serves (select all that apply):

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* 11. Describe the catchment area for your CCBHC

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* 12. Are there other CCBHCs serving in the same area? If so, describe their role relative to yours.

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* 14. Do you need translation services during this event?

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* 15. If yes, what language would you like to request translation services? 

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* 16. How would you describe yourself?

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* 17. Which of the following best describes your gender? 

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* 18. Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?

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* 19. What is your current CCBHC status?
Learning community curriculum is designed for those who are new to CCBHC implementation and may not feel relevant to those who are familiar with the model and grant implementation.

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* 20. If you are CCBHC Expansion grantee, what year were you awarded your grant? [Multi-select]

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* 21. What is your CCBHC Status?

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* 22. How would you describe your knowledge about the CCBHC model?

Care Coordination in Your Community

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* 23. Why do you want to participate in this learning community?

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* 24. What are your organization’s biggest challenges around care coordination?

Support Needed

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* 25. What type of support is most beneficial to you? (Select all that apply) 

Learning Community-specific

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* 26. What else would you like us to know about your organization’s strengths or needs going into this learning community?

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* 27. What do you most hope to get out of this learning community?

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* 28. What questions do you have about care coordination?

We request that every organization designate a  team lead and key point of contact for the learning community who will be expected to participate in most sessions.

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* 29. Name:

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* 30. Role:

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* 31. Email Address:

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* 32. We encourage you to involve an interdisciplinary project team in  the learning community experience to spread knowledge and application. Please enter information (name, role email address) of other regularly participating team members here. You are also encouraged to welcome others within your organization to attend specific sessions, as relevant to them.

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* 33. Would you like to receive emails on upcoming events from the TTA Center?

Disclaimer: The demographic information collected for registration is optional to provide and will be used to measure and report aggregate analysis on the racial, ethnic, and gender composition of the TTA Center’s audience to inform understanding of the diversity of participation and improve the reach of our events. This demographic information be held in strict confidence and will not be shared with any third parties and will not be used at an individual level.