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* 1. How many times have you participated in a Brethren Village Golf Tournament?

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* 2. Overall, how would you rate the event?

  Likely Neutral Unlikely
How likely are you to participate in this event again?
How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend?
How likely is your company to sponsor this event again?

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* 3. Tell us about the format and the venue.

  Good Neutral Bad
The condition of the course and pace of play.
The amount and quality of food.
The flow of registration, meals and award presentation.
The contests and prizes.
The emphasis on the Good Samaritan Fund and Brethren Village's mission.
The recognition of sponsors.
The opportunity to network with other participants and Brethren Village representatives.

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* 4. Check all that make you want to participate in the event:

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* 5. What do you like best about this event or what stands out from other charity golf tournaments?

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* 6. Is there anything that we haven't asked that you would like us to know about the event?