Do you have any questions about the upcoming IPCC's latest Working Group II report on Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability?

The Climate System Hub wants to help answer your questions about the IPCC's upcoming report assessing impacts adaptation and vulnerability to climate change.

Assessing the vulnerability of a natural and socio-economic systems to climate change and opportunities for adaption means these reports are lengthy and can be difficult to navigate. 

Submit your questions to put to the panel of experts presenting on the IPCC Working Group II report in our 2 part webinar series:

Part 1: Australasia impacts and projected risks with Sarah Boulter (Chair), Brendan Mackey, Gretta Pecl. Wednesday 2nd March, 1pm (AEDT)
Part 2: Key risks and adaptation responses with Brendan Mackey (Chair), Kevin Hennessy, Lauren Rickards. Friday 5th March , 1pm (AEDT)
This event is proudly hosted by the NESP Climate Systems Hub and the Griffith Climate Action Beacon. Register for the event here.
1.Do you have any questions about the IPCC's upcoming report?
2.Name and Industry (anonymous responses are also fine)
3.Anything to add?