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Restoring the Fuel Tax Credit - We Need YOUR Anonymous Input

To help SARTA convince the new Federal Labor Government to restore the Fuel Tax Credit (FTC) retrospectively from 30 March 2022, we need hard data on the disastrous financial harm to trucking businesses and the broader economy.
Again, this Survey is ANONYMOUS and should only take about 2-3 minutes to complete

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* 1. Are you aware that you will NOT receive ANY FTC when doing your BAS in July and October

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* 2. Do you currently claim the FTC:

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* 3. What is the amount of your typical FTC

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* 4. What percentage of your BAS liability does your FTC offset

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* 5. Since the abolition of the FTC from 30 March have you been able to offset the loss of the FTC

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* 6. If so have you done that through:

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* 7. If you have increased Freight Rates or Levies, what has been the net increase to your customers’ freight costs

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* 8. If the FTC is not restored prior to 30 September 2022, do you think your business survive?

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* 9. Could you survive if the Government announces that it will restore the FTC from 1 July (so you lose it for just 3 months instead of 6)?

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* 10. Could you survive if the FTC is abolished permanently and not restored on 30 September 2022?

0 of 10 answered