The 2017 PMBA  Annual Conference is an inclusive opportunity for all current and future PMBA members in the public media industry to engage in exceptional formal and informal learning experiences that support career development, increase individual productivity, and leads stations to achieve superior results.

General managers, chief financial officers, financial and business executives, and human resources professionals from public radio and television stations across the country will meet in St. Louis, MO at the 2017 PMBA  Annual Conference. PMBA is putting together a top-notch program to address the operational and financial business practices and strategies of public media stations.

Session Proposals 

PMBA is seeking session proposals that reflect the best thinking in public media, informed by theory, research, and practice. We invite proposals that:
  • Reflect innovation and cutting edge content
  • Focus on radio content
  • Target new talent and manage recruitment, training, and development
  • Stimulate and provoke discussion and audience engagement
  • Explore issues important to the changing public media industry
  • Present best and/or new practices around day-to-day business, financial, and HR operations
  • Provide new strategic ideas and solutions that benefit the long-term success of stations
We encourage you to submit a program to provide educational content that will help attendees sharpen their skills, identify and analyze trends, review business practices, or identify new long-term strategic solutions. To be considered for a content presenter position, please complete and submit your session proposal online by following the NEXT button below. Please contact with any questions.

You may submit multiple proposals for consideration, but must submit a separate RFP for each session proposal/topic.

Content Presenter Responsibilities
  • Content leaders have the option of a one-day pass and are welcome to attend any sessions on the day of their presentation.
  • Content leaders are responsible for their own travel and lodging costs.
  • Content leaders must meet all posted dates and deadlines.
Submission Process

All session proposals are due by COB on Friday, January 20, 2017. 

All submissions will be reviewed by a broad cross-section of PMBA members, volunteers, and staff acting as peer reviewers. The group will use the following criteria when evaluating the session proposals:
  • Originality - It is essential that PMBA presents unique and exciting programs that reflect our dynamic community
  • Relevance - PMBA seeks sessions that are of great interest to prospective attendees and clearly benefit the professional needs of the designed audience
  • Program Design - PMBA seeks sessions that incorporate good practices for adult education, with clear learning objectives that are measurable and achievable
  • Overall Quality - PMBA is dedicated to ensuring that sessions meet the highest standards of excellence.
All sessions must be educational in nature, unbiased and avoid direct or indirect promotion of any particular product or service. Acceptance notifications will be sent in late February/early March 2017.

We suggest that you first collect your thoughts for your proposal before completing the online submission process. You may download the submission form as a word document. Only proposals submitted through the online submission system will be accepted.