8% of survey complete.
This is a short voluntary international practice survey of esophageal pressure measurement in the intensive care unit (ICU). It should take less than 10 minutes to complete. We will be asking intensivists worldwide to complete this survey.

Please only continue with this survey if you are employed as a specialist working in an intensive care unit.

The survey is in two parts.
- The first part asks you to identify the typical scenarios you may want to use esophageal pressure catheters and the measurements you may want to obtain.
- The second part, directed only to intensivists already using esophageal catheters in their practice, asks you to describe your technique, and challenges, and possible complications you encounter in your daily practice.

Your participation is voluntary and your responses will remain anonymous.

Completion of the survey implies consent to use the responses/data for this research study.

St. Michael's Hospital is the lead institution and the investigators involved in the analysis of this inventory are: Laurent Brochard, Alberto Goffi, and Ewan Goligher.

All responses will be stored electronically and accessible only by the investigators. Only aggregated findings will be published or presented in peer-reviewed critical care journals. Your survey responses will be kept strictly confidential. Unless otherwise required by law, the survey results will only be seen by the survey provider (SurveyMonkey), the study team, and the St. Michael's Hospital Research Ethics Board for the purpose of study monitoring. Information entered in the survey will be anonymous and will remain confidential. Your completed survey may be retained by SurveyMonkey in the United States (US) and be subject to US privacy laws and other US legislation such as the USA Patriot Act (which entitles US government bodies to access government security and other purposes). SurveyMonkey's servers record incoming Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, including that of the computer that you use to access the survey. However, no connection is made between your data and the computer's IP address. Experience in similar studies indicates that the greatest risk in this study to you is the unintentional release of information. The investigator will store information securely and keep confidential all the information provided. The chance that this information will accidentally be given to someone else is small. Study data will be securely stored by the Principal Investigator for 5 years after study completion and then the study data will be securely destroyed.

If you have any general questions about the study, you can contact Dr. Laurent Brochard (

If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, or have concerns about this study, call the Chair of St. Michael’s Hospital Research Ethics Board (REB) or the Research Ethics office number at +1 416 864-6060 ext 2557 or send an email at The REB is a group of people who oversee the ethical conduct of research studies. These people are not part of the study team. Everything that you discuss will be kept confidential.

Question Title

This survey has been endorsed by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine

This survey has been endorsed by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine