Question Title

* 1. How much did you learn from the lectures?

  Much more than expected! A lot. Something. Not very much. Absolutely nothing!
Likelihood, probability, and Bayesian inference (Alex Buerkle)
The genomics of organismal diversification (Walter Salzburger)
Demographic analysis with fastsimcoal2 (Vitor Sousa)
Predicting evolution (Patrik Nosil)
The coalescent (Leo Speidel / Simon Myers)
Experimental design / Demography (Richard Durbin)
Evolution of the mutation spectrum (Kelley Harris)
Population structure (Daniel Falush)
The multi-species coalescent (Lacey Knowles)
Speciation and hybridization (Simon Martin)
GWAS (Magnus Nordborg)
Ancient genomics (Ludovic Orlando)
Adaptation and selection (Rachael Dudaniec)

Question Title

* 2. In general, the lectures were...

Question Title

* 3. How much did you learn from the activities?

  Much more than expected! A lot. Something. Not very much. Absolutely nothing!
Basic UNIX, some tips and tricks, and more
Introduction to R
Genome data analysis in Python
Probability in population and speciation genomics
First steps in genomic data analysis
Inferring demography with fastsimcoal2
Detecting environmental selection
Genome-wide genealogy inference (Relate)
Inferring the mutation spectrum
Species-tree inference based on the multi-species coalescent (BEAST)
Species delimitation with DELINEATE and DECRYPT
Topology weighting
Analyses of introgression with Dsuite
Open lab / FAQ session

Question Title

* 4. In general, the activities were...

Question Title

* 5. If you could change three things that could improve the workshop the most, what would you change?

Question Title

* 6. What advice would you give to participants in the next workshop?

Question Title

* 7. The workshop lived up to my expectations...

  It even went beyond my expectations. Totally! It was just as I expected it. I thought it would be better. It was a total disaster.
...regarding the organization terms of teaching content
..regarding interaction with faculty
...regarding the location (prelate)
...regarding the location (theater)
..regarding the town (Cesky Krumlov) regard of leisure activities

Question Title

* 8. Have you been sick during the workshop? (You don't have to answer this if you prefer not to ;))

Question Title

* 9. Finally, I would like to tell you: