CCAC Graphic Design Portfolio Website Question Title * 1. What is your first name? Question Title * 2. What is your phone number? Question Title * 3. What is your e-mail address? Question Title * 4. If you have a portfolio website, what is the URL? Question Title * 5. What is your major? Question Title * 6. If applicable, what certificate program are you enrolled in? Question Title * 7. In what month and year do you expect to graduate? Question Title * 8. Alumni only: what year did you graduate and what was your program title? Question Title * 9. Please attach your resume/CV in PDF format only (max file size is 16mb). PDF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please attach your resume/CV in PDF format only (max file size is 16mb). Question Title * 10. Please upload a professional headshot image (if you have one) PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload a professional headshot image (if you have one) Question Title * 11. Please provide a 500 character maximum biography about yourself. Question Title * 12. Please provide the URL to your YouTube introduction video. This is a 1-minute video maximum introduction of who you are, why you are at CCAC, and what you want to do with your career. Question Title * 13. Please submit a single PDF with multiple pages that feature your artwork. Maximum file size is 16mbs. PDF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please submit a single PDF with multiple pages that feature your artwork. Maximum file size is 16mbs. Question Title * 14. You can also provide a link to your file from a file storage site like Google Drive or Dropbox. Question Title * 15. I permit CCAC to feature my artwork, resume, biography, video introduction, and other relevant content on Yes No Done