Shaan Seet would like to engage Shareholders to get a sense of your priorities and thoughts so that we can incorporate your voices into our future decision making. Shaan Seet will not see your individual responses. Data will be compiled by the Cedar Group, an independent third party, so you are assured complete anonymity and confidentiality.

Shaan Seet has identified three top priorities that we are asking for Shareholder input on. They are: (1) housing; (2) job training and work force development; and (3) tourism. It should only take a few minutes to complete, thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you!

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* 1. Please state your name:

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* 2. How many Class A Shaan Seet Shares do you have?

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* 3. What industry do you currently work in?

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* 4. Where do you currently live?

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* 5. How old are you?

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* 6. What is your gender?

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* 7. Do you own your home? If yes, please continue to question 8. If no please continue to question 11.

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* 8. If you own your home, approximately how big is your home?

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* 9. How many bedrooms do you have in your home? 

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* 10. If you own your home, what was the purchase price of your home including land?

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* 11. If you were to purchase land on Prince of Wales Island, what price category would you be interested in?

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* 12. Do you currently live on Prince of Wales Island? If no, please continue to question 13, if yes  please continue to question 16.

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* 13. How long have you been gone from Prince of Wales Island?

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* 14. Was there a specific reason you chose to move away from Prince of Wales Island? If yes, please continue to question 15. If no, please continue to question 17.

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* 15. If yes, please select a category indicating why you chose to move away from Prince of Wales Island (Please select all that apply):

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* 16. Is there anything that would bring you back to Prince of Wales?

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* 17. Do you think there is currently a strong cultural presence in Craig?

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* 18. What would you like to see in Craig to increase a cultural presence? (Please select all that apply)

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* 19. Would you like to see more cultural/vocational opportunities on Prince of Wales Island?

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* 20. If yes, what kind of cultural/vocational opportunities would you like to see? (Please select all that apply)

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* 21. Does your household participate in cultural practice(s)? If yes, please continue to question 22. If no, please continue to question 23.

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* 22. If yes, which cultural practice(s)? (Please select all that apply)

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* 23. Are you aware that Shaan Seet provides/offers services to our Shareholders and community members? 

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* 24. What services would you like to see Shaan Seet develop in the future? (Please select three.)

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* 25. Are you aware that tourism, in the form of cruise ships, will be coming to Prince of Wales Island beginning in 2023?

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* 26. Do you agree with bringing cruise ships to Prince of Wales Island?

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* 27. Would you like to see Shaan Seet develop opportunities surrounding the tourism industry on Prince of Wales Island?

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* 28. If yes, what tourism services would you like to see Shaan Seet focus on? (Please select all that apply)

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* 29. How do you feel we can prepare our community for incoming tourism? (Please select all that apply)