York County Public Streetlights:
LED Conversion Sign-up and Survey for HOAs
Please provide the name of your association, and the name of the subdivision/development.
Please provide an email and/or phone contact for your association:
Who is the president of your association?
If your association has a management company, please include their contact information as well.
Is your association interested in having your neighborhood's existing streetlights converted to LED fixtures?
Yes! Sign us up!
Maybe-we need some more information first.
Not right now- we have concerns about the new lighting fixtures
Do you have public streetlights, or private Dominion Watchlights in your neighborhood?
Public Streetlights
Private Watchlights
Not sure
A combination of both
In relation to other infrastructure in your neighborhood, how important is street lighting to your association?
The most important
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
Please check the aspects of street lighting that are important to your neighborhood:
Roadway safety (visibility for drivers, cyclists, or others using the roadway)
Energy consumption/savings
Lighting sidewalks or pedestrian paths
Aesthetics (how the lighting impacts the look of the street)
Public safety
Ecological impact
How do you think the quality of street lighting in your neighborhood compares to other places in the county?
Better than average
About average
Below average
Not sure
How would you like to engage with the County on the LED streetlight conversion project?
Participate in public meetings
Receive updates via email or the web
Receive notice of construction when streetlights will be upgraded in your neighborhood
See examples of LED streetlights in person
Provide input on technical specifications of lights
Hear directly from Dominion Energy, who will be installing the new LED lights
Other (please specify)
Do you have any other questions or comments?