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* 1. We are seeking your feedback on Discussion Paper. 

Do you have any comments on the seven key findings outlined in this Discussion Paper?

1. The sector would like a Statement on young children and digital technology to help early childhood professionals make decisions about, and advocate for, digital technology use that is in the best interest of the child.

2. There are diverse opinions in the early childhood sector about how and why young children can use digital technology to support positive outcomes. 

3. Recognising that digital technology is part of many young children’s daily lives means that early childhood professionals need to consider how and why digital technology is used in early learning settings.

4. Young children and their families need to build knowledge about how to be safe and active digital citizens when using digital technology in their daily lives.

5. The health and wellbeing of young children using digital technology is important and includes children’s physical activity, posture, sleep, emotions and social interactions.

6. Knowledge about digital play and pedagogy helps early childhood professionals integrate digital technology into play-based learning and intentional teaching experiences for young children.

7. Relationships between children, families and early childhood professionals using digital technology matter.

Please comment below:

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* 2. How do you see the statement on young children and digital technology being used in your own participation in the early childhood sector?

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* 3. Do you have any other comments about the Discussion Paper?