Community Survey Welcome

The Turbeville Comprehensive Plan serves as a guide for the development of the Turbeville community. The plan collects and analyzes information about the features of the Town, its people, and the issues it faces. The plan is designed to look ahead to the next ten years.
By showing us where we are now, where we want to go, and what steps we can take to get there, the Comprehensive Plan is like a roadmap for the future. The community can refer to the Comprehensive Plan when making decisions about what comes next.
The enclosed Community Survey is an important way for the residents of Turbeville to share their views of the Town and its future. The results of the survey will be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan.
By completing the survey, residents can express their likes, dislikes, opinions, and ideas on important issues that affect the Town – from housing and businesses, to transportation and recreation, and many others. Putting all the survey responses together gives us an image of the place we want Turbeville to be.
Please take a few minutes and complete the Community Survey below. Thank you for your participation!