Welcome to the STEM Career Survey

This survey is part of a national study to explore the links between students' views on science, school science and their choice of STEM Careers. 
  • All the information provided will be anonymous - no student nor school will be identified publicly.
  • There are no right nor wrong answers - just your personal views.
  • There are 30 questions and your answers can be as short or long as you wish.
  • Once you move to the next page you cannot go back.
  • The results will be compiled and will make a report that may help inform policy changes.
  • Please press DONE at the end on page 5 to ensure that your responses are logged.
This national survey is being done as a collaboration between the Irish Research Council and Trinity College Dublin
Thank you again for participating, your feedback is greatly valued.

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* 1. The acronym (word) STEM is currently used a lot in the media. Have you any idea what the letters stand for?

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* 2. We asked some TY students about their views on what could be done to encourage more people to study science subjects and pursue STEM careers? These are some of their responses.

  • "Go on trips to do with these subjects as someone might realise that they actually like the subject as a result of the trip"
  • "Get people to come in and talk to us about subjects/careers as we only see the subject not the careers involved"
  • Encourage them to be the heroes of the 21st century, i.e. vaccine makers, disease curers, theory busters"
  • TY work experience in the field - to show that there is flexibility in STEM careers e.g. you don't have to work in a lab"

How would you encourage more people to study science and go into STEM careers? "Write your ideas in the box below. You can use some of the ideas from the students above, or your own ideas, or a mixture of both!"