Petit Jean  -  The RV Gathering on the Mountain!   Sept 16-18  or come early Thursday ... the 15th

2022 Registration ... It's going to be a great gathering and we want it to be smooth and super easy on you and all of our RV'ator friends.  
Please register yourself and copilot only.  If you have friends coming in another airplane, please have them register quickly and separately from your reservation.

IF you have already reserved your place in line for the rooms at the Rockefeller Center with the PRE-PAID Registration Support Fee, we will notify you when your your room is confirmed and THEN (mid-August) you will have to personally call the Conference Center and give them your credit card information and Group Number.  The Pre-Paid Registration Support Fee is applied against the Fly-In Support & Registration Fees and does not actually apply against your room reservations.  It just keeps you from having to fight for a room reservation, wait hours on the phone, and maybe not get a room at all.  We hope this will make the process easier and more fair to everyone.  Your support is appreciated.

THURSDAY the 14th Early Arrivals...if you're coming early to help or just hang out, please let us know if we need to find you a roof for the night.  We absolutely will find you a place to stay if you come it but let us know for sure.  Email and put something about Petit Jean in the subject!

WAIT LIST'ing .... If you registered using RESERVE MY ROOM PayPal after XX/XX/XX  ... all rooms were already booked (noted on the VAF) but we are applying those deposits to a WAIT List.   If you get a confirmed room, all is well and if not, we will refund your donation after the flyin.  Please feel free to call or email anytime.

For questions, please email

PLEASE take a minute to fill out the registration so that we can make solid meal and transportation estimates. We are looking for somewhere north of 125 airplanes and a 175+ RVators and we don't want anyone to go hungry :-) We do fly for food!
The RCC rooming list also must agree with our On-Line registration list to be fully confirmed ... That allows us to have name tags made up and be sure we have adequate parking and transport so please take a minute. This is particularly important if you are camping and not confirming rooms.  We generally have plenty of room for campers but the RCC will book full quickly.

Also please let us know if you are a day tripper for Saturday only.

For more infomation email or check on our website:

BIG THANKS to EAA Chapter's from North Little Rock, Hot Springs, Conway, and Searcy

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* 1. Did you take the PayPal Pre-Payment Option to gaurentee your place in line for rooms at the Rockefeller Center or to confirm your CAMPING spot ?  If so, please expect a confirmation email the first week in September'ish!  We ask campers to do the prepay but it's optional but appreciated.

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* 2. Pilots Name and Name Tag information.

Also let us know if you use an alias on the VAF forums or call sign.
Some folks might know who JetJockey is but not Bob Smith :-)

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* 3. Co-Pilot Info (we'll assume spouse if the names the same :-)

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* 4. Tail Number ??

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* 5. Type of Airplane ?

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* 6. History question .... Are you a previous attendee?   And just for fun... how many times?  We might have a special award for repeaters :--)  Check all that apply!

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* 7. Did you buy or build your RV? If Build, how long did it take ?

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* 8. All food and soft drinks are included in your registration fees based on your arrival time !  It's really easy  ..... your nametag is your meal ticket.  See chart for details.  Both nightly dinners will be blow out good spreads and you won't go hungry.  They are catered to keep the work load down and you can expect them to be as good or better than last year. Full refund if not satisfied :-)  If you miss a meal ... you'll be sorry.  They're great!

If you register two folks, we will double the indicated meals.

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* 9. Will you be camping or lodging ? Please check all that apply:

Transport is scheduled and free to trails and to the Rockefeller Conference Center Lodging. Be sure your rooms are at the Rockefeller Conference Center. (ask for Presidents Lodge or the Meadows) Rooms are great but very limited so make your reservations EARLY, camp sites are no problem. There is no scheduled transportation to Mather Lodge so don't book there by mistake.

Remember you will receive an email the first 7-10 days in September with instructions on how to finalize your room reservations with the RCC.  Be patient.. It's coming :-) 

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* 10. We ask everyone to make reservations at the RCC in their own name and not block rooms but IF you reserved more than one room.... we really need to know who will be in it.  We ALWAYS reconcile the RCC rooming list with the registration list.  They must agree so If you reserved more than one room.... please list their names below and have them do the On Line Registration .....

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* 11. The trails are wonderful this time of year! If you're planning on hiking, let us know which group and times ....... (we will be running groups to the trails at these times to allow for hike time and getting back before lunch or dinner which is at dark -thirty )

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* 12. Please indicate any of these other activities that might interest you!

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* 13. We really really need a current EMail address and cell phone number.... please!  We can't tell if you got this off the email list or from the VAF so a good email address gives us a sure contact for updates or cancellations.

You can expect an update email about 30 days out and then 4 days out! If you don't have anything by 2 days out please send request to:  or

Please enter your email address for confirmations ....thanks, this really helps!

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* 14. Now how about a cell phone number?  We don't share these but we may need to contact you directly if/when something changes.

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* 15. Is there anything special you would like to see us do? Clinics, Formation work, flight contests, horseshoes, Kareoki, Southern Style Bubba Betty Belly Dancing....... Hey, whatever's fun and works for you :-)

Any thing with the campground, airport, or lodge that you might suggest !!

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* 16. Volunteers ??? This is a 100% volunteer effort! We could use some help driving the transport van occasionally, coffee and drink areas, maybe leading a trails group, and with cooking and campsite prep, parking, etc. If you don't mind helping a little, please indicate below and then let the girls know at the registration table when you check in. 

IF YOU PLAN ON COMING IN THURSDAY, PLEASE LET US KNOW SO WE CAN HELP FIND YOU A ROOF FOR THE NIGHT.   Tents are no problem.  The work crew generally is there all day Thursday and we have a fun dinner at Mather Lodge Thursday night.  Everyone there on Thursday is welcome but let us know in advance.

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* 17. Reminders and State Campground Fees : ( no response required )

Just so you know!  There are several Ark State Campground Fees associated with the State Parks and the airport campground facility. We have averaged the fees and included them in your registration so no worries!   These are to pay the State Parks and help us recoup costs for hogging, finish mowing, cutting the grass, cleaning up, electricity, showers/restrooms, water, ramp service, etc.  

Also here are some helpful reminders about things you want to bring or know.

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* 18. Liability Disclaimer

This gathering is simply that ..... a gathering of our RV friends facilitated by the EAA Volunteers.  They only do it because our RV family is special to us all.  As an attending party, I understand that all aircraft services, advisories, food, beverages, transportation, help, and advice, are supplied on a voluntary, non-profit basis.

I fully understand that attendance and participation is at my own risk. I understand that being anywhere around or in an airplane can be dangerous to my health and physical well-being and result in serious damage to my aircraft and/or serious even fatal personal injury to myself, my passengers, and others.

I understand that I am answering this question for anyone that I bring with me and assuming that liability for them
as well.  It is my responsibility to make them aware of the dangers.

With full understanding of the risks associated with any aircraft related activity, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any liability, claim, charge, or course of action against any party or entity associated with the facilitation of this gathering, including but not limited to the EAA Chapters involved and their facilitating members, spouses, friends, and helpers as well as the Arkansas State Parks

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* 19. One last question and you're all done !   Have you been on our Petit Jean Fly In website ?

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* 20. Do not fill out  ....  this is for us to track if you cancel later.   Thanks