Welcome to PIVOT

Thank you for your interest in participating in PIVOT!

Program Objective 計劃目標
- To enhance sustainability and community impact of social purpose organizations (SPOs) serving marginalized populations.

- To provide objective evaluation of SPOs' strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
為機構提供關於優勢、劣勢、機會和威脅 (SWOT) 的客觀評估。

- To offer realistic and actionable recommendations to uncover blind spots and optimize strategic alignment for meaningful incremental changes.

The Process 計劃流程
Step 1: Fill in this application form

Step 2: The PIVOT Vetting Committee will reach out for an interview within 2 weeks

Step 3: After the interview, the PIVOT Vetting Committee will give its recommendation on whether PIVOT is suitable for your organization

Step 4: ACS will reach out for next steps and put together your PIVOT Project Team (ACS Volunteers x 4)
步驟4:ACS將聯絡您進行下一步,並組建專屬 貴機構的PIVOT義工團隊(ACS義工 x 4)。

Step 5: PIVOT Project Team will reach out for a Kickoff Meeting and any other additional information they would require

Step 6: Project Kickoff Meeting (You can also see the graphic below)
步驟6 :項目啟動會議 (您亦可查看下方的圖片)
Walking through the PIVOT Process, clarifications on documents provided furhther understand the problem statement, etc...
在此會議ACS和PIVOT義工團隊將解釋整個計劃的流程,義工團隊亦會向您及您的團隊查詢任何有關的資料及索取相關文件,了解更多有關 貴機構的現存問題等。

Step 7: Key Stakeholder Interviews
步驟7 :主要持份者會面
The NGO will provide 8 - 10 stakeholders for PIVOT Project Team members to interview, including partners, beneficiaries, funders, board members, senior management, frontline staff, etc...

Step 8: Recommendation & Action Plan Review
步驟8 :建議及行動計劃討論會議
PIVOT Project Team members will reach out upon formulation of the initial recommendation and work with the NGO to ensure they are actionable and realistic for your team and have buy-in.

Step 9: Board Presentation
PIVOT Project Team will present findings and recommendations to the board to ensure alignment within the organization.
PIVOT義工團隊會向 貴機構的董事會介紹調查結果、建議及行動計劃,以確保機構內部的一致性。

Step 10: Follow-up by PIVOT Team
步驟10 :PIVOT義工團隊跟進會面
30 - 60 days after PIVOT project ends, the PIVOT Project Team will conduct a one-hour follow up on the status of the implementation and provide additional advice.
在PIVOT計劃完成的30 - 60日後,PIVOT義工團隊會與您及您的團隊進行一小時的跟進會面,以跟進建議及行動計劃的執行情況。

Step 11: Follow-up by the Committee
步驟11 :PIVOT審核委員會跟進會面
6 months after PIVOT project ends, the Committee will follow up on the impact of the PIVOT program.
在PIVOT計劃完成的6個月後,PIVOT審核委員會成員會與您及您的團隊進行一小時的跟進會面,以跟進PIVOT計劃的成效,以及就 貴機的需求作出建議。

Question Title

Your Commitment 您的承諾
- Commit to the process which would take approximately 8 weeks and work with the PIVOT Project Team to provide as much relevant information as you can

- Provide access to interviewees

- Work with the PIVOT Project Team on finalizing the recommendations to ensure they are realistic and actionable

- Arrange for the PIVOT Project Team to present the final recommendations to your Board at the end of 8 weeks

Please note that all information provided to us will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and all PIVOT Project Team members have signed a confidentiality agreement.
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14% of survey complete.