Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete the Home Repair Resident Survey. This survey is a very important part of your city's request for home repair funds from the Small Cities Development Program.

Your responses to the Home Repair Program Resident Survey are entirely confidential. As the survey administrator, Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership asks for your name and address only to certify that you live in the program target area. That is how we know that we can use your responses for the purpose of preparing the City's application for repair funds. Your name and address will be removed from all public survey records and data summaries.

Once you complete the short "Survey for All Households", you may continue on to provide further information if you are interested in being placed on the wait list for funds. Please complete all questions.

If you have any questions about this survey, you may contact:
Janet Schaeffer, Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership

Question Title

Home Repair Target Area Map

Home Repair Target Area Map

Question Title

* 1. CERTIFICATION: I certify that I am a homeowner or renter in the home repair target area. If needed, my residency at this address could be verified by mail response or in-person visit from a survey volunteer.

25% of survey complete.