Physician and Legislative Forum - Monday, February 3, 2024, via Zoom from 8-9 a.m. |
Presented by the Saginaw County Medical Society and Genesee County Medical Society
The SCMS has partnered with the GCMS to present a virtual Physician and Legislative Forum via Zoom on Monday, February 3, 2025, from 8-9 a.m. Your participation is important! These meetings provide a forum for physician members to voice their concerns with local legislators regarding legislation affecting the practice of medicine.
Saginaw area legislators invited:
U.S. Representative Kristen McDonald Rivet (D) 8th District
Senator Kevin Daley, 26th District (R)
Representative Tim Kelly, 93rd District (R)
Representative Amos O'Neal, 94th District (D)
Representative Tim Kelly, 93rd District (R)
Representative Amos O'Neal, 94th District (D)
Representative Matthew Bierlein, 97th District (R)
Please register by Thursday, January 30. We welcome your input on issues you would like addressed. Representatives from MSMS, SCMS and GCMS will be in attendance.
1. Call to Order and Introductions – Paul G. Kocheril MD, GCMS Legislative Chair
2. Legislative Update
3. Physician Roundtable Discussion (update on timely issues in local physician practices)
4. Legislator Updates (legislators can share issues they are working on)
5. Thank you and adjournment
1. Call to Order and Introductions – Paul G. Kocheril MD, GCMS Legislative Chair
2. Legislative Update
3. Physician Roundtable Discussion (update on timely issues in local physician practices)
4. Legislator Updates (legislators can share issues they are working on)
5. Thank you and adjournment
The Zoom link will be shared once your online reservation is received. We look forward to a hearty discussion!
Date: Monday, February 3, 2025
Time: 8-9 a.m. (virtual)