5' VIP and Pass 2 Recertification Test |
Preschool Vision Screening Recertification Test for the VIP Single, Crowded LEA at 5 Feet and PASS 2
Please read this important information about the passing criteria for this test.
This test covers screening procedures and referral criteria using the VIP Single, Crowded LEA at 5' and the PASS2.
*You must receive a 90% or higher (can miss up to 2 questions) on the test in order to pass. A passing score will result in a renewed 3-year preschool vision screening certification from Prevent Blindness
*If you receive between 80% and 89% (can miss 4 questions) on the test, you will be referred back to the ODH guidelines and asked to retake this test.
*If you receive a 75% or lower (5 or more questions missed) on the test, we notify you that you will need to attend a training class in order to maintain your certification.