We're requesting feedback about our organization. It shouldn't take long to give us your opinion. Thanks very much!
1.Did you learn much at our Innovation Unleashed panel on March 28?
2.The most important component of my membership (or interest) in the Round Table has been:
3.Have you served as a Board or committee member of PR Round Table?
4.How are you willing to support the future of the organization?
5.What kinds of meetings would you prefer to attend? In person, online, or some of both options?
6.What has kept you from participating in PR Round Table activities in the past?
7.Are you planning to renew your membership at this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/636861208017
8.Do you agree we should attach the organization to a fiscal sponsor to reestablish our nonprofit status and to get help with administrative tasks? The relationship will cost us 10% of our revenue annually.
9.Please provide your name and contact info and what volunteer role you are interested in taking on for the Round Table. Please let us know if you've been a Round Table member in the past. Let us know anything else you want to tell us! Thank you!