Your reponses will help us to improve the Institute. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. I selected this seminar because of the:

Question Title

* 2. I learned of this conference through:

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the following speakers

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Mark Kosieradzki- Breaking Through Litigation Obstruction
Carla Aikens- The Art of Work: From Employment Law to Employee Hiring
Florence Murray- Proving the TBI and Permanency Without Advanced Imaging
Steve Langer- Evidence in Civil Matters
Roy Tabor- Recent Developments in Indiana Tort Law
Judge Melissa May- Civility Matters: Why Civility and Why Now? (Ethics)
Sarah Graziano- Civility Matters: Why Civility and Why Now? (Ethics)
Bruce Plaxen- Efficient Discovery and Evidence for Trial
Katie Piscione- Partners in Progress: Teaching Associates the "Business" of Law
Autumn Seib- Assessing Medical Malpractice Leads
Taylor Ivy- Prejudgment Interesting...
Janet Wallace- New Lien, Who This?
Dr. Cheryl Wills- Strategically Navigating Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Litigation
Andrew Gardner- Artificial Intelligence: How, Why, and Where We’re Headed
Deena Buchanan- Maximizing the Value of Your Case from a Former Defense Lawyer
Sach Oliver- Depositions are Trial
Jay Stefani- Client Communications: There Has to Be a Better, Easier Way
Dr. Randall Benson- Advanced MRI Imaging of Mild TBI

Question Title

* 4. Do you have suggestions for topics and/or speakers for the 61st Annual Institute in 2025?

Question Title

* 5. How did you attend the 60th Annual Institute?

Question Title

* 6. Please feel free to add other comments or suggestions that will help us as we evaluate the 60th Annual Institute.