Question Title

* 1. Who was directly responsible for your supervision?

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following statements

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
My supervisor took an active interest in my work
My supervisor provided me with regular guidance/support
If my supervisor was critical of my work it was always constructive
My supervisor provided useful feedback on article/thesis drafts

Question Title

* 3. Based on your experience, do you feel that men and women at TCD are treated equally in the following areas? 

  Men and women treated equally Men treated less favourably Neither agree nor disagree Women treated less favourably Don't know
Teaching/Lecturing/Demonstrating opportunities (within your group)
Teaching/Lecturing/Demonstrating opportunities (within the School)
Organisation/administration duties (within your group)
Organisation/administration duties (within the School)
Training and development (within your group)
Training and development (within the School)
Supervision of incoming students
Conference/Masterclass/Summer school opportunities
Acknowledgement of contributions to collaborative posters or publications (within your group)
Acknowledgement of contributions to collaborative posters or publications (within the School)

Question Title

* 4. Did you receive any guidance/support in taking the next step in your career?

Question Title

* 5. If you were given guidance, what career path were you encouraged to pursue?

Question Title

* 6. What career path would you LIKE to follow when you finish your PhD? (rank your first three to five responses in order of the path you'd like most).

Question Title

* 7. What career path do you THINK you will follow when you finish your PhD? (rank your responses in order of the path you'd like most)

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns about the MSc/PhD programme in the School of Chemistry?

Question Title

* 9. What is your gender?