Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Where do you live?

Question Title

* 3. Email

Question Title

* 4. Phone

Question Title

* 5. Age of family member using MassHealth

Question Title

* 6. Primary Diagnosis

Question Title

* 7. Other Diagnosis

Question Title

* 8. MassHealth services:
Did you have a problem with keeping your primary care physician or specialist?

Question Title

* 9. Long Term Support Services: Please check if you had problems accessing these services.  Please use the comment box to explain

Question Title

* 10. Have you had a Long Term support Service assessment?  If yes please comment below

Question Title

* 11. Please let us know if you had problems with accessing the following.  Check all that apply and explain in the comment box

Question Title

* 12. Have you had any issues with prior authorization for services, durable medical equipment, or prescriptions?  If yes please explain

Question Title

* 13. Was the problem resolved

Question Title

* 14. Please share who you engaged with to resolve your issue.  Check all that apply

Question Title

* 15. If you receive case management services through MassHealth is it meeting your needs?

Question Title

* 16. When contacting MassHealth what was the length of time you were placed on hold?

Question Title

* 17. Any other problems with MassHealth services that you would like to share?

Thank you for completing this survey!