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* 1. What is your involvement with CAFE?

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* 2. How would you describe CAFE’s role and position within Canada? How do you think it contributes to the Canadian national identity?

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* 3. How would you describe the role of fairs and exhibitions within Canada? How do you think it contributes to the Canadian national identity?

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* 4. What are some elements of CAFE’s history that are important to consider as CAFE tells its story?

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* 5. What are some elements of the history of fairs that are important to consider as CAFE tells its story?

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* 6. In what way has CAFE and fairs and exhibitions changed over time? How is it relevant to Canadians today?

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* 7. How is it relevant to tourists and visitors outside of Canada today?

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* 8. In what ways can CAFE tell its story as a charitable organization? What is unique about CAFE?

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* 9. Do you feel senior leaders (staff and board) support the decision to actively raise funds? Do you think some would be willing to play a role in this regard?

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* 10. What are your thoughts on the 2013-2018 CAFE Strategic Plan pillars? (member resources and services, champion the federal government, strengthen alliances with stakeholders, seek new revenue/growth opportunities)

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* 11. What is the value proposition for someone to support CAFE versus other organizations?

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* 12. Would you be willing to play an active role in fundraising? If so, how?

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* 13. Are there any constituencies you think should be approached for potential support?

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* 14. What is your vision of success for CAFE? Where do you want to see it in three years?

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* 15. OPTIONAL: Please share your name and your fair's name. If so you may be contacted to answer additional questions. This will also give you one entry into the $1,000 Visa Gift Card draw.