Question Title

* 1. Please choose one of the five possible answers after reading each statement.  Think critically about how each of these statements relate to your life for the best possible answer.

  Very True True Neutral Untrue Very Untrue
It feels good to think about my past romantic interests.
I have had an uneventful romantic past.
When I have been romantically interested in someone, I had a chance with them.
When I look back at my romantic interests, they rarely panned out.
My former romantic interests often socialized with me.
My former romantic interests would often avoid me.

Question Title

* 2. We are interested in to what extent each statement accurately describes you. There are no wrong answers; simply answer honestly for each item.

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Some adolescents are not happy with the way they look.
Some adolescents are happy with the way they look.
Some adolescents wish their body was different.
Some adolescents like their body the way it is.
Some adolescents wish their physical appearance was different.
Some adolescents like their physical appearance the way it is.
Some adolescents think that they are good looking.
Some adolescents think that they are not very good looking.
Some adolescents really like their looks.
Some adolescents wish they looked different.
Some adolescents think physical attractiveness predicts whether potential romantic partners will like them.
Some adolescents think physical attractiveness doesn’t matter as much for potential romantic partners.
Some adolescents are more attractive than others.
Some adolescents are not as attractive as others.
Some adolescents choose potential romantic partners based off of their appearance.
Some adolescents do not choose potential romantic partners based off of their appearance.
Some adolescents feel that if they are romantically interested in someone, that person will like them back.
Some adolescents worry that when they like someone romantically, that person won’t like them back.
Some adolescents are not dating the people they are really attracted to.
Some adolescents are dating those people they are attracted to.
Some adolescents feel that people their age will be romantically attracted to them.
Some adolescents worry about whether people their age will be attracted to them.
Some adolescents feel that they are fun and interesting on a date.
Some adolescents wonder about how fun and interesting they are on a date.
Some adolescents usually don’t go out with people they would really like to date.
Some adolescents do go out with people they really want to date.

Question Title

* 3. Please choose one of the following eight possible responses after reading the statements.Make sure to choose an answer that best represents your true feelings.

  Very true True Neutral Untrue Very Untrue
Potential relationship partners are either compatible or they are not
A successful relationship is mostly a matter of finding a compatible partner
Potential relationship partners are either destined to get along or they are not
Relationships that do not start off well will inevitably fail
The ideal relationship develops gradually over time
Challenges and obstacles in a relationship can make love even stronger
A successful relationship is mostly a matter of learning to resolve conflicts with a partner 
A successful relationship evolves through hard work and resolution of incompatibilites
If you are concerned about an issue related to romantic relationships, you are encouraged to make an appointment to see someone in Counseling Services, which is located on the second floor of the Kent Campus Center.  To make an appointment, call 515-961-1556.