Got News? Please share how you get it...

As Public Information Officer, I enjoy talking with many citizens and find it rewarding to help you with your questions. Now, if you’d be so kind to answer some of my questions, I’d greatly appreciate it. I’d like to know how you get City news so I can serve you better. I appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey.

-          Lynn Onstot

Question Title

* 1. Do you read The Citizen?

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* 2. When you receive The Citizen, Joplin's quarterly newsletter from the City, do you:

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* 3. Which printed media sources do you read for LOCAL NEWS about our community?

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* 4. Which TV stations do you watch for LOCAL NEWS about our community?

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* 5. Which radio station(s) do you listen to for LOCAL NEWS about our community?

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* 6. Which internet sites do you visit for LOCAL NEWS about Joplin?

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* 7. Which social media sites do you visit for LOCAL news?

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* 8. Please rank your preferences of media sources that you use to receive your local news:

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* 9. Do you consider The Citizen, Joplin's quarterly newsletter mailed to residential households, a news source for local news?

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* 10. Do you visit the City of Joplin's website to receive LOCAL news?

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* 11. Are you aware of the City's 30-minute interview program on KGCS-TV entitled "Joplin Insider"?

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* 12. Do you have internet at home?

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* 13. Have you visited the City's website,

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* 14. When visiting the City's website, what are you searching for?

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* 15. Do you view City Council Meetings broadcast on KGCS-TV?

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* 16. Do you have cable TV?

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* 17. If you subscribe to a TV cable or satellite service, please indicate your carrier below.

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* 18. Please list your suggestions for The Citizen and/or City news distribution:

Question Title

* 19. Optional:

100% of survey complete.