The Story Project QUIZ! Question Title How well do you know the stories of the Bible? Take our multiple-choice quiz about all the stories we’re covering in The Story Project. Celebrate what you already know and learn some more along the way. We’ll offer the quiz again when our series ends next summer so you can see your progress! Question Title * 1. I read the Bible on my own several times a week (outside of church). Yes No Question Title * 2. I have read the Bible all the way through at least once. Yes No Question Title * 3. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rank my Bible knowledge/understanding as… 1-3 4-5 6-8 9-10 Question Title * 4. What is the main idea of Genesis 1? God created everything in six, 24-hour days, not through evolution. God created the world in millions of years. God didn’t make anything, it already existed alongside him. God is the creator of all things. Question Title * 5. God created humanity in his image. That means… We are gods. Every human being has dignity and worth. Animals and humans are equal because we come from the same origin. God created humans because he needed people like himself. Question Title * 6. Genesis 3 describes what is called “the Fall.” This is… The story of Adam and Eve disobeying God. Adam and Eve seeking wisdom apart from God. A picture of how we all go beyond God’s intended boundaries. All of the above. Question Title * 7. The Story of Noah’s Ark is… God’s plan for nursery decor everywhere. A story of God’s rescue of human beings from sin and self-destruction. A story of God’s attempt to annihilate humanity once and for all. A tool to help us fully understand angel/human hybrids. Question Title * 8. The Story of the Tower of Babel shows us that… God does not like when all people speak the same language. We should not “babel” in our prayers, but simply ask God for what we need. We should make God the center of our lives, not make a name for ourselves. God destroyed the ancient ziggurat as a prophetic sign against future Egypt. Question Title * 9. The “Exodus” in the Old Testament refers to… The story of God delivering the Israelites from Egypt. The story of God exiting our plane of existence. A mode of ancient weaponry, the exodu, meaning “sharp spear.” A new form of cryptocurrency. Question Title * 10. God giving Moses the 10 Commandments shows us… God’s desire for a kingdom-ordered community of Israelites. Legal wisdom for the Israelite's decision-making. A glimpse into God’s character. All of the above Question Title * 11. Which of the 10 Commandments did Jesus say was the “greatest commandment”? Thou Shalt Not Kill Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery Honor Thy Father and Mother None of the 10 commandments are the “greatest commandment.” Question Title * 12. Which Bible verse defines the culture during the times of the Book of Judges. Judges 3:22 Judges 10:4 Judges 18:6 Judges 21:25 Question Title * 13. Deborah’s story shows us that… God uses women of God in powerful leadership roles. Great leadership involves great trust in God. God’s motherly care for his people involves care and courage. All of the above. Question Title * 14. Hannah is best known for… Her prayer to dedicate her future child to God’s service. Her song/prayer of thanksgiving to God. Her show on Disney+. both A and B. Question Title * 15. Elijah is most famous for… His miraculous confrontation against the false prophets of Baal. Being teased about his baldness by a gang of young adults. His vision of angels with many eyes. Being one of Jesus’ twelve disciples. Question Title * 16. David’s closest companion was… Caleb Jonathan Abigail both A and C. Question Title * 17. The story of David and Goliath shows us that… As long as David kept his long hair, God gave him strength. Even fables like this one can teach us how to gain supernatural power. Confidence in God is our greatest weapon when facing hardship. Singing/worship should be our first response before facing a challenge. Question Title * 18. What caused David to repent of his sin against Uriah and Bathsheba? He read the commandments against murder and adultery. A prophet confronted him. The Holy Spirit spoke to him in a dream. His best friend uncovered David’s deception. Question Title * 19. Why was King David not allowed to build a temple for the LORD? Because God’s timing is not our timing. Because David sinned with Bathsheba. Because David shed so much blood in military battles. Because the Roman government did not permit Jewish people to build temples. Question Title * 20. In Jeremiah, how did God tell his people to relate to their ungodly neighbors? They were told to fight the culture and “tear down their pagan temples.” The were told to pray “day and night” for God to rescue them from the “hands that do evil.” God said to “marry their daughters” and “join with their people” to become one with them. They should “settle in, plant gardens, and have children.” Question Title * 21. Daniel is a great example of faithfulness because: He didn’t compromise his faith. He showed respect to even the ungodly leaders in his life. He stood strong when trapped in a lion’s den. All of the above. Question Title * 22. What book(s) of the Bible contain song lyrics that can help us worship God? Ecclesiastes Psalms Ezekiel both B and C. Question Title * 23. Ezra and Nehemiah record the rebuilding of these two Israelite structures: The Temple and the Tabernacle. Noah’s Ark and the Ark of the Covenant. King David’s Bridge and the Temple. The Temple and the Jerusalem Wall. Question Title * 24. When Ezra read the Jewish Law to the returning Israelites, they were… Confused, because many couldn’t understand Hebrew. Convicted and wanted to start to start following God. Quick to reject it out of disbelief. both A and B. Question Title * 25. The story of Esther shows us that… When we are rescued from the enemy, we should take the opportunity to destroy them. God calls his daughters to be princesses and queens for the King of Kings. Mordecai’s battle against Haman is a prophecy of Christ’s battle against Caesar. God often uses us from within our difficult circumstances. Question Title * 26. Isaiah 9:6-7 is a prophecy about… Jesus’ birth. Jesus’ “lost years” between ages 2-11. .Jesus’ first miracle Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem on a donkey. Question Title * 27. Isaiah 53:3-6 is a prophecy about… Jesus’ first miracle. Jesus’ death. Jesus’ resurrection from death. Jesus’ return to Earth in the last days. Question Title * 28. John the Baptist… Saw himself as an equal partner with Jesus. Was a gentle and peace-bringing prophet. Died as an old man on the Greek island of Patmos. None of the above. Question Title * 29. Jesus being born into a poor family in Bethlehem points us to… His humble beginnings. His royal connection to King David. Many Christmas carols. Bethlehem being the largest town in the region. Question Title * 30. The Temptation of Jesus shows us that… Jesus experienced temptation just like us. Jesus used Scripture to overcome temptation. Temptation should be expected when you are following God. All of the above. Question Title * 31. Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus is important because it shows us… Our need to be “born again” or “born of the spirit.” Our need for water baptism. The importance of fasting and prayer. How to have conversations with devoutly religious people. Question Title * 32. When Jesus started his ministry in Nazareth, the religious leaders in the synagogue… Deeply thanked him for his teaching. Asked to make him the leader of their synagogue. Were furious and wanted to kill him. Both A and B. Question Title * 33. The Miracle of Feeding the 5000 was that… Five thousand people were following Jesus. They were filled by his teaching (there was not a literal miracle). Jesus miraculously fed them all with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus provided no food, yet the people felt full so they could continue to hear his teaching. Question Title * 34. When asked if people should pay taxes to the Roman Government, Jesus said: “Would you give what is holy to dogs? God forbid!” “What does this concern me? Money (mammon) is of this world. It has no value to me." “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” "Give only to that which pleases the Lord Your God. Anything else is sin.” Question Title * 35. When Jesus told the “Rich Young Ruler” to give up his wealth to follow God… The rich man said he could use his wealth to fund Jesus’ mission. The rich man walked away sad because he was very wealthy. The rich man moved his wealth into bitcoin where Jesus could not find it. The rich man eagerly gave his wealth to the poor. Question Title * 36. The Roman Centurion showed incredible faith in Jesus because… He traveled hundreds of miles to find Jesus. He gave up his military job to follow Jesus. He believed Jesus could heal by just saying the word. He helped carry Jesus’ cross before the crucifixion. Question Title * 37. When Jesus was “transfigured” on the mountaintop, which two people from the Old Testament miraculously appeared next to him? Adam and Eve. Moses and Elijah. Moses and Isaiah. Nehemiah and Ezra. Question Title * 38. When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well… She refused to speak with Jesus because he was a fellow Samaritan. She went away angry because she felt judged of her sins. She went away and told her friends to come meet Jesus. She washed Jesus’ feet with the water she drew from the well. Question Title * 39. When Jesus cleared the temple of the moneychangers… He turned over tables and benches. He accused the people of making God’s “house of a prayer, a den of thieves!” He made a whip out of rope and started swinging it around! All of the above Question Title * 40. The story of the widow’s offering teaches us that… Always give your “two cents” (meaning “your opinion”) when someone asks. It’s not the amount you give to God, but the sacrifice your giving represents. Widows are obligated under biblical law to tithe their income. The widow’s “two cents” represent the Old and New Testaments given to us! Question Title * 41. What was Jesus doing right before he miraculously calmed the stormy sea? Breaking loaves of bread. Fishing for that night’s dinner. Teaching his disciples. Taking a nap. Question Title * 42. When Jesus walked on water… His disciples in the boat thought they were seeing a ghost! Jesus turned the water red like blood and wine as a sign of his coming judgment. He invited Peter to step out of the boat to walk on water too! Both A and C. Question Title * 43. When Jesus washed his disciple’s feet, he was teaching them… To clean their hands and feet before prayer as a symbol of spiritual purity. To be baptized by water. To humbly serve each other. Both A and B. Question Title * 44. In John 14 Jesus says… “I am just a vessel, doing His work.” “I am whatever you say I am; if I wasn’t then why would you say I am.” “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Both A and C. Question Title * 45. The main takeaway from the Parable of the Prodigal Son is that… If we spend our money recklessly, we will end up in a pig trough. God loves a cheerful giver. We should celebrate when people come back to God after being away. Younger siblings should not be trusted with money. Question Title * 46. Jesus’ illustration of the vine and branches teaches us that… We need to be intimately connected with God. Real spiritual growth comes through relationship with Jesus. Our relationship with God should lead to a fruitful life that blesses others. All of the above. Question Title * 47. What word(s) does Jesus use to describe the Holy Spirit? Comforter. Advocate. Spirit-guide. Both A and B. Question Title * 48. The “Lord's Supper” is… When Jesus had his last meal with his closest followers. When Jesus used a dinner to teach about his sacrificial death. An act repeated by Christians through the centuries (also called communion or eucharist). All of the above. Question Title * 49. The story of the Bible teaches that Jesus was crucified… To die for the sins of the world. To confuse the devil about God’s plan for forgiveness of sin. To fulfill prophecy. both A and C. Question Title * 50. Jesus rose from the dead… symbolically in that “he rose in the disciple’s dead hearts” (it wasn’t literal). To fulfill prophecy and prove what he taught was true. To make us right with God (Rom. 4:25). Both B and C. Question Title * 51. The Great Commission is when Jesus sends out his followers to “make disciples of all the nations.” What two actions does he specifically tell the disciples to do? Memorize the Bible and spend personal time with God. Baptize and teach people to obey. Train people to start churches and Bible schools. Raise money for the poorer churches “in Jerusalem and throughout the earth.” Question Title * 52. Pentecost is… A Jewish festival that takes place fifty days after Passover. When the Holy Spirit filled the first Christians with supernatural power. What Christians consider the beginning of the church’s global mission. All of the above. Question Title * 53. How does Acts 2 describe the early Christian's experience of church? They retreated to mountain caves to pray and await the Lord’s return. They met weekly in the Roman Colosseum much to the awe of those who passed by. They were devoted to the apostle’s teaching, ate together, and shared with those in need. They printed Bibles for those who didn’t have them and sang Amazing Grace daily. Question Title * 54. Peter and Cornelius eating together is important because it shows us… God bringing Jewish and non-Jewish Christians together for Jesus’ mission. Forgiveness because Cornelius cheated Peter out of one year’s wages. Patience because they waited for the angel to bring the sacred food from heaven. The establishment of the first Chick-Fil-A in the Ancient Near East. Question Title * 55. Who was the first Christian to die for his faith in the Book of Acts? Peter. Simon the Sorcerer. Stephen. Barnabas. Question Title * 56. Philip was able to explain something that was confusing to the Ethiopian Eunuch. What was it? The problem of evil. Why Jesus when to Egypt (near Ethiopia) when Jesus was an infant. Who the prophet Isaiah was writing about in Isaiah 53. What Jesus taught about being “eunuchs for the kingdom.” Question Title * 57. Who helped Peter Escape from Prison… James and John. A prison guard who had recently become a follower. An angel. Jesus himself! Question Title * 58. Saul/Paul had a dramatic conversion experience when… He had a dramatic vision of Jesus on the Damascus Road. When Jesus appeared to him in a vision and asked: “Why are you persecuting me?” When he was blinded for three days following a vision of Jesus. All of the above. Question Title * 59. Barnabas is an important person in the early church. What can the meaning of his name teach us about relating to people? Challenge people to be courageous. Be an encouragement to others. Awaken repentance in sinful people. Be patient. Question Title * 60. What two qualities defined the people chosen to do ministry in Acts 6? Wealthy and Humble. Full of Grace and Truth. Full of the Holy Spirit and Wisdom. “Wise as serpents” and “innocent as doves.” Question Title * 61. The Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 was an important meeting because… It established real estate boundaries of Jerusalem from surrounding cities. It declared Jerusalem as the center of the Christian church. It provided guidelines to improve connection between Jewish and non-Jewish Christians. Both A and B. Question Title * 62. In the book of Acts, Lydia is… A successful businessperson. The first person to become a Christian west of Greece. A woman of great hospitality. A, B, and C. Question Title * 63. What did Paul and Silas do when they were beaten and thrown into prison? They wrote letters “begging their brethren to free them from captivity.” They planned their escape. They sang worship songs and led a jailer to Jesus. They miraculously disappeared and reappeared with Jesus in a nearby city. Question Title * 64. When Paul the missionary visited Athens and saw all the people’s idols, Paul… Was offended and disturbed by their idolatry. Smashed their idols, telling them to repent and serve the true God. Graciously used their attention to idols to talk about the true God. both A and C Question Title * 65. Which of the following is NOT a quote from the book of Romans? “…there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” “The Scriptures have true power only in as much as you give yourself to them daily.” “…the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Question Title * 66. Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians… Are four letters written by the Apostle Paul to Christians living in the first century world. Are letters that contain practical wisdom for Christian living. Are four new football franchises being considered for the European expansion. Both A and B. Question Title * 67. Which of the following is NOT a quotation from the New Testament Letter of James? “…when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.” “Rest assured, brothers and sisters, for God never gives us more than we can handle." “Faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.” “Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!" Question Title * 68. The “Letters to the Seven Churches” in the Book of Revelation May represent times periods in church history. Appear to be written to specific groups of Christians living in the first century. Are supernatural messages from angels revealed to the Apostle John while in prison All of the above Question Title * 69. How does Revelation 22 describe the “New Heavens and New Earth?” “There is no more death or mourning or crying or pain.” Jesus says: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.” The new Jerusalem comes down out of heaven from God. All of the above. Done