Institution Information

20% of survey complete.
This survey is part of an educational research project developed by Drs. Valerie O'Loughlin, Jennifer Meta Robinson, Catherine Sherwood-Laughlin, and Katherine Kearns of Indiana University.  This survey has been reviewed by the IU Institutional Review Board and the project has been granted exempt status (IU IRB # 1504357724).  If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Dr. Valerie O'Loughlin

Question Title

* 1. In what country is your institution?

Question Title

* 2. At what institution are you employed?  Please list the name and location of your institution

Question Title

* 3. In which department (e.g., history, math, physics, english) or center (e.g., center for teaching and learning, instructional consulting center) do you have your primary appointment?