Question Title

Join us in making a difference in the Pacific Northwest! A difference for: the Fish, the Ecology, the Water Quality, and the People. We are scientists and policy professionals working together to improve information sharing and research planning.

By taking 10-15 minutes to complete this survey you can help us understand what management questions are important to organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest. Once we know what questions are of greatest common interest, we can begin talking about indicators, data, and data sharing.

Management questions for this survey were compiled by work group participants drawing from their organizations' reports and websites. The initial list was condensed by combining redundant questions. Some questions were reworded to remove geographic references.

For this survey, we need to evaluate the management questions in light of the Regional Habitat Indicators Project (RHIP) goals. Briefly, the goals are to identify and recommend a small set of questions, indicators, and objectives for surface water attributes that are of common interest across the Pacific Northwest. We want to focus on information that is currently available to communicate status and trends of aquatic habitats and allow comparisons within and among regions. All of the questions that have been compiled are important for the programs that have developed them, but we need to narrow the field to a short list that is of greatest common interest for organizations across the Pacific Northwest.

For each of the management questions (MQs) listed below, consider how well it meets the following five criteria:
  1. Is the MQ relevant to regionally based issues? For example is it relevant to issues of concern for the Columbia River Basin, Pacific Northwest states, or across multiple watersheds?
  2. Is the MQ applicable at multiple geographic scales? For example, is it applicable at a watershed or smaller scale as well as being applicable at a broader scale comprising multiple watersheds?
  3. How beneficial/meaningful is the MQ to your organization?
  4. Is your organization interested in reporting on this MQ?
  5. Can the MQ be answered with available data?

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* 6. Do you feel there is a water quality related management question missing?
Add ONE below.

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* 7. Who is your employer?

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* 8. What is your role in your organization?

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* 9. Are you a member of the Water Quality Index Indicator Work Group?

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* 10. Additional comments?

Thank you for your time and participation!