1. Welcome to the Humanitarian Protection Learning Needs Survey 2018

14% of survey complete.
The Global Learning Center (GLC PU) of UNHCR, Global Protection Cluster (GPC) and its Task Team on Learning (TT-L) wish to conduct a learning needs assessment for the purposes of developing an e-learning on Humanitarian Protection.

The initiative, will allow GLC PU, GPC, and TT-L in:

1.     Identifying challenges and gaps;

2.     Assisting in the prioritization of topics;

3.     Identifying non-training related factors;

4.     Assessing the extent to which Respondents feel that challenges and gaps can be remedied by training and other learning initiatives

The survey targets will include junior to senior staff of organizations engaged in Protection and Protection Coordination, in the field and at head- quarters. Methods include survey monkey and randomly selected interviews taken from the targets pool who have completed the survey, by February 18th.