
The National Association of Diabetes Centres (NADC) is calling for Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified health care professionals who would like to join the Primary Care Working Group (PCWG).

Membership of the Working Group can be made up of:
• Representatives from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
• Representatives from the Primary Care Diabetes Society of Australia (PCDSA)
• Representatives from the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA)
• Representatives from the Australian Diabetes Society (ADS)
• Representatives from the Australian Diabetes Educator Society (ADEA)
• Representatives from NADC tertiary, secondary, primary, community, pharmacy and rural diabetes centres/services
• Representatives from Primary Health Networks / Primary Care Partnerships
• Consumer representation may be co-opted into the membership
• Additional experts may be co-opted into the Working Group as deemed appropriate by the PCWG

The Primary Care Working Group aims to explore and implement the ways in which the NADC can support primary care, updating and putting into action the NADC's primary care focus. Further the Working Group will review and provide advice regarding primary care for all other NADC projects such as the Models of Care and Clinical Pathways projects.

Expectations of Committee Members


Working Group membership is for a 2-year period commencing in February 2019. Working Group members will participate in quarterly meetings via tele/videoconference, or more frequently as required, to:
· attend to the Working Group's business with reasonable care and diligence
· read and contribute to the development of project plans and/or proposals

Face-to-face meetings may be convened if required. Most of the work of the PCWG will be conducted via email communication, supported by tele/videoconference as required.

Agendas will be distributed prior to each meeting and may require preparatory reading.

Each Working Group member may have a responsibility to deliver specific projects/tasks between meetings to help achieve strategic objectives of the Working Group.


The capabilities expected of Working Group members include but are not limited to:
· clinical or research expertise in diabetes care/management/primary care
· demonstrated relevant interests, experiences and/or skills
· demonstrated ability to participate cooperatively in a team with a range of people
· capacity to think and act strategically
· leadership & initiative
· communication
· creative thinking
· collaborative and participative approach
· commitment, passion and drive for results


All Working Group members will have a commitment to and responsibility for the following elements of good governance:
· Accountability – taking shared responsibility for the operations and impact of the Working Group
· Transparency – ensuring that information about the Working Group's activities is accessible to the NADC Steering Committee
· Disclosure – being open to scrutiny and dealing effectively with potential conflicts of interest
· Independence – maintaining a collective decision making culture and independence from outside direction or interests


· Ability to contribute to an exciting project which will be at the forefront of diabetes care support for primary care
· Opportunity to work with like-minded people
· Opportunity to enhance your professional skills and experience

Membership does not attract any remuneration