PC Toolkit Evaluation |
Welcome to the Palliative Care Toolkit Survey
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.
The Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA) has commissioned a formal independent evaluation of a Palliative Care Toolkit that was developed and published in 2008. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the scope of its use worldwide, and the impact it has had on community and grassroots palliative care. The evaluation will inform both a revision of the Toolkit content, and future planning around scaling up community driven palliative care around the world. You have been selected to participate in this survey due to your involvement in palliative care work. This survey is anonymous and your responses will be kept confidential and used only for the purposes of informing this inquiry. You are free to chose to participate or withdraw from this survey at any point of responding to the survey. Your participation, will however contribute to the refinement of this tool aimed at enhancing access to quality palliative care in resource-limited settings.
Your response to questions in this survey confirms your consent to participate. Kindly provide responses that represent you as an individual and not on behalf of any other individual or organisation.
The deadline for participation is Fiday 28th August 2015.