Morar's Musings

I believe everyone of you is spiritual in your own way.  By spiritual I mean recognizing a sacred or holy dimension to life which affects how you live. I am interested in understanding your spiritual life.  I want to know if your church experience has benefited your life and where your spiritual journey has taken you.

Spirituality can be a set of values, an attitude, a feeling, a belief, an intellectual idea.  What is spiritual is what is spiritual for you – it doesn’t have to fit into any one else’s preconceived notions (including my ownJ). It’s what makes you feel whole, authentic, fully you.  Please feel free to message me outside of the questionnaire with any concerns or if it’s not getting to the heart of what rocks your spirit.

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* 1. Please indicate your gender.

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* 3. As best as you can recall how often did your family attend church when you were a child (under 13 years of age)?

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* 4. As best as you can recall how often did you yourself attend church when you were a child (under 13 years of age)?

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* 5.

Before the age of 13 did you attend church alone or with your family?

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* 6. As best as you can recall how often did you attend church after being confirmed but before leaving your parents or high school (between the ages of 15-19 approximately)?

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* 7.

As best as you can recall how important were each of the following things to you when you were a child?

N/A means that is does not apply to you.

  Not important Somewhat important Important Very important Extremely important N/A
participating in church services
singing in a choir
your involvement in church activities
attending church
volunteering in the church to help others
the confirmation process
attending Sunday school

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* 8.

Did you go through a confirmation experience that included spiritual discernment or religious discussion?