Jefferson County Drainage District No. 7 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - Public Survey

1.In the past five years, which of the following hazard events have you experienced in the DD7 Jurisdictional Area? (Select all that apply)
2.How concerned are you about the following hazards in the DD7 Jurisdictional area? (Check all that apply) Please check one for each hazard.
Not Concerned
Somewhat Concerned
Very Concerned
Extremely Concerned
Extreme Temperatures (heat and cold)
Flooding - Street/Land
Flooding - in a home or business
Hurricane/Tropical Storm
Severe Weather (High winds, lightning, hail)
Severe Winter Storms (blizzard, heavy snow, ice)
3.Please check which hazard(s) have damaged your home. (Check all that apply)
4.How effective do you think the following methods are for providing hazard and disaster information?
Very Effective
Somewhat Effective
Not Effective
Social Media
Phone Calls
City Website
County Website
Mass Notification System
Public Meetings or Awareness Events
Public Library
Outdoor Advertisement
5.A number of activities can reduce your community's risk from natural hazards. These activities can be both regulatory and non-regulatory. Please check the box that best represents your opinion on the following strategies to reduce the risk and loss associated with natural hazards in DD7.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Sure
Regulatory approach to reducing risk (e.g. water use restrictions)
Combination of regulatory (policies and standards) as well as nonregulatory (education and awareness) approaches to reducing risk
Making your home more disaster resilient
Making local water, wastewater infrastructure, and other public facilities more disaster resilient
Develop local inventory of at-risk buildings and infrastructure
6.Natural hazards can have a significant impact on a community, but planning for these events can help lessen the impacts. The following statements will help us determine the priorities of our residents regarding planning for natural hazards in DD7 planning area. Please tell us how important each one is to you.
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Very Important
Not Important
Protecting private property
Protecting critical facilities and essential community services
Enhance the functions of natural features (e.g., streams, wetlands)
Protecting and reducing damages to utilities
Support to strengthening emergency services (e.g., police, fire, EMS)
Promoting cooperation among public agencies, residents, non-profit organizations, and local businesses
Support for drainage and retention projects
7.In the following list, please check those activities that you have done in your home, plan to do in the near future, have not done, or are unable to do. Please check one answer for each activity that you or someone in your household have done.
Have Done
Plan to Do
Not Done
Unable to Do
Attend meetings or received information on natural disasters or emergency preparedness
Talked with members in your home about what to do in case of a natural disaster or emergency
Developed an emergency plan for your home and family in order to decide what everyone will do in the event of a disaster or emergency
Prepared a disaster supply kit with extra food, water, batteries, etc.
Become trained in first aid and/or CPR
Discussed or created a utility shutoff procedure in the event of a natural disaster
Reviewed Harris County's Disaster Guide
Reviewed the National Weather Service's Hurricane and Severe Weather Guide
Searched the District's website for disaster preparedness information
8.Is your home located in a FEMA-designated floodplain?
9.Do you have flood insurance and have you ever had problems obtaining flood insurance?
Not Sure
Do you have flood insurance?
Have you ever had problems obtaining flood insurance?
10.What types of projects do you believe the District should be doing in order to reduce damage and disruption from hazard events within DD7? Please rank each option as high, medium or low priority.
Capital projects such as lift stations, elevate critical facilities, drainage improvements and bank stabilization projects
Retrofit infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and drainage facilities
Provide better public information about risk, and the exposure to hazards within the District
Perform projects that restore the natural environments capacity to absorb the impacts from natural hazards
Assist vulnerable property owners with securing funding for mitigation
Acquire vulnerable properties and maintain as open space
Retrofit and strengthen essential facilities