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* 1. President-elect Donald J. Trump promised on the campaign trail to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). If the ACA is repealed, what effect will it have on your practice?

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* 2. How will the following possible ACA replacement ideas affect your practice?

  Negatively No effect Positively
End of insurance exchanges
Substitution of health savings accounts for ACA plans
End of free preventive services
Moving patients with pre-existing conditions to high-risk pools
Shift of Medicaid funding to block grants

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* 3. What are you doing to prepare your practice for a possible ACA repeal?

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* 4. Do you anticipate a significant loss of MEDICAID patients if ACA is repealed?

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* 5. What are you worried about for your physician practice if the ACA is repealed?

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* 6. What are you hopeful for for your physician practice if the ACA is repealed?

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* 7. What else do you expect from the Trump administration and Republican Congress that will affect your practice?

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* 8. Please enter your contact information.