Proposed Changes to Performance Bonus for SY 2018-2019

Dear Stakeholder,
Harmony Public Schools had created a performance based compensation system in 2017 to give out performance bonuses as a result of the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) grant. Since the accountability system is changing for 2018-2019 school year, Harmony needs to redesign its bonus system to meet the new accountability structures. Earlier this semester, HPS Central Office conducted a survey open to all internal stakeholders to collect feedback on current bonus structures and input on the future redesign. Following the surveys, a bonus redesign committee has been established to further discuss trends from the survey and identify proposed changes. Please review this slide deck for proposed changes to performance bonus system before leaving a public comment. Your comment will help us put final touches on the new bonus system and present it to HPS Board of Directors for approval in June. Please note that performances for this school year (2017-18) will still be rewarded based on the current system with payouts being made in November 2018. The new redesign will be in effect for SY 2018-19 where payouts will be made in November 2019. Your feedback is valuable to shape the decision-making at Harmony. Public comment period closes on June 1, 2018.

Question Title

* 1. Which proposed change are you commenting on? Please reference slide number.

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* 2. Which of the following best describes you?

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* 3. Proposed change comments